The Research Databank on Romanian Minorities

Satu Mare 2004. Public life and general conditions

Unique identification number of the database: survey-021

Full title of the database: Satu Mare 2004. Public life and general conditions.

Person responsible for archiving the datasheet: Kiss Tamás.

Datasheet publisher organization: Max Weber Sociological Centre

Datasheet archiving date: 2006-01-11.

Datasheet’s bibliographical reference: Transylvanian Social Researches Databank: survey-021, Satu Mare 2004. Public life and general conditions. 

Research description

Research coordinator:

Kiss Tamás,

Csata Zsombor,

Kiss Dénes.

Datasheet creator:

Max Weber Sociological Centre

Research financer:

Satu Mare county DAHR, DAHR Executive Presidency.

Database depositor:

DAHR Executive Presidency.

Database description: general conditions; ethnic conflict-perception; local problems; trust in institutions; activities and decisions of the government, media consumption; religiousness; NGO membership; migration; expectations from the mayor; voter intentions at the 2004 local and parliamentary elections; the attitudes towards the EMNT and MPSZ; earlier voting options,



Party options, election


migration, migration potential

Data collection: February 2004

Geographical range of database: Satu Mare.

The unit of the analysis: person.

Target population: Hungarian speaking voters (18 years old or above) of Satu Mare.

Type of database: survey.

The temporal dimension of the database: cross-sectional.

Sample taking procedure: multi scale, layered sampling. In Satu Mare there were combined election districts and the questionnaires were applied in these districts proportionally. We chose streets from the districts and among these the questioners had to proceed according to a specific scale.  

Data collection procedure: questionnaire

Database weighting: it is achieved without weighted variables.

Citing obligation: the data user will have to refer to the database creators Max Weber Sociological Centre.

The description of the database

Case number: 743.

Variable: 174. we deleted the opinion-data about the different person from the database

The format of the database: SPSS data file

Other materials connected to database:


Research paper